Current Affairs

Newsletter VI/2003


1. Permanent exhibition in Lüdenscheid
2. New clinch clasp for our series no. 2985

3. News about standard hinges
4. Schmale catalogue on CD-Rom


1. Permanent exhibition in Lüdenscheid

In addition to the national and international exhibitions that we regularly 
participate in, we established a permanent display in our firm in Lüdenscheid 
providing a complete overview of all our articles, the different fastening 
machines and of course the latest product developments. 

Please do contact us for an appointment. We will be glad to assist you with
your accomodations.

2. New clinch clasp for our series no. 2985

A clasp with a new design of the lid has been developped for our successful group no. 2985. Corresponding with the clasp lid of the model no. 3050, the lower part of the clasp will here also be covered completely when the clasp is closed. The clasp lid offers also the possibility of applying an emblem or logo. 

The clasp will be fastened with the tool type 28-W11-21.2985 for clinch clasps on rolls or tool type 28-W12-21.2985 for single clasps. The total number of clasps that can be fastened with this tool will thus be increased to 8 clasps (plus 6 of those models with locking system). Minor necessary adjustments of your existing tool will be made free of charge. 

The article numbers are as follows: 
No. 1121-3085.07.xx = on rolls with 7 mm prongs
No. 1121-3085.00.xx = on rolls with 10,5 mm prongs 
No. 1221-3085.17.xx = single with 7 mm prongs
No. 1221-3085.10.xx = single with 10,5 mm prongs

The mentioned “xx” in the article number will be replaced by “13” for the surface “steel nickel plated” or by “21” for the surface “steel brass plated clear lacquered”. 
A further important addition to the entire clasp system no. 2985 are clasps with 4 mm prongs (so far all clasps of this system were only offered with 7 and 10,5 mm prongs).

Please find enclosed an example showing the changes of the article number in that range:

“07” = on rolls with 7 mm prongs
“04” = on rolls with 4 mm prongs
“17” = single with 7 mm prongs
“14” = single with 4 mm prongs.

3. News about standard hinges

We extended our programme of standard and table hinges 
by specialized small packing units with EAN code, as well as 
- upon request - customers' label with their own company 
logo and/or their own bar code.

Upon request other products will also be available 
according to your special requirements and wishes.


4. Schmale catalogue on CD-Rom

In additon to the catalogue and the complete presentation 
of our production programme in the Internet the catalogue 
is also available on CD-ROM. Please contact us for the CD.